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  • Instructions on how to make sure madgraph in the madminer examples works:

    Step 1: Download and execute script that copies and patches f2py such that it uses python 2 even if python 3 environment is loaded:

    wget -O f2py-2.7-setup --no-check-certificate
    sh f2py-2.7-setup

    Step 2: Set the f2py compiler in the input/mg5_configuration.txt file in your madgraph directory:

    f2py_compiler = f2py-2.7

    Step 3: Add alias to your .bash_profile (or .zshrc if you use zsh) to get gfortran which madgrahph needs (more info on modules on this page):

    # Use modules to get newer software on the UIs
    module use /opt/exp_soft/
    module use /opt/exp_soft/
    # In particular, we want modern compilers
    #module load compilers/gcc/7.1.1
    module load compilers/gcc/6.3.1 

    Step 4: Add alias to your .bash_profile (or .zshrc if you use zsh) to load python 3 environment for madminer notebooks when you need it (especially before starting the notebook server with jupyter-notebook):

    alias python3env="source /home/llr/cms/rembser/.python3_profile"

    Either source the profile again or restart the session now. Of course nothing prevents you to directly put the sourcing of .python3_profile in your profile, but I like to have it as an alias to only enable it when needed. It clashes with the CMSSW environment otherwise.

    Step 5: Make sure to have the following parameters in your calls to or MadMiner.run_multiple()`:


    This will ensure python 2 is used for madgraph and it does not accidentally try to load python 3 libraries.

    Notes: For convenience, here the commands to download and unpack the madgraph version used in madminer:

    tar -xf MG5_aMC_v2.6.7.tar.gz 

    I like to switch off the automatic HTML opening of madgraph, which you can also switch off in the input/mg5_configuration.txt:

    automatic_html_opening = False
    Edited by Jonas REMBSER
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